SFCR Stewards are a group of leaders committed to the long-term sustainability of SFCR. Each Steward has either championed the implementation of SFCR at one or more agencies or worked on an adaptation of SFCR.

The goals for this group are 1) broader dissemination of SFCR, 2) continued adaptation of SFCR for specific populations, trauma types, or provider/community groups, 3) continued improvement of the model, training, implementation, fidelity monitoring protocols, and evaluation methods, 4) continued research on efficacy and effectiveness, and 5) discovery of and solutions to practice and policy sustainability barriers.

SFCR Stewards are the future of SFCR.

sara-davisSara Davis

I am the lead facilitator of SFCR at the Center for Child and Family Traumatic Stress at Kennedy Krieger Institute.  I introduced booster sessions for families who graduated from SFCR and have been running them during the summers for several years.  I am a long-standing champion of the model.

I strengthen families because it is through the family we are born into and the families we create that we know who we are and who we want to be. The safety and support created within and between families promotes resilience and healing.

https://www.kennedykrieger.org/traumaticstresscenter : davissa@kennedykrieger.org

laura-mcarthurLaura McArthur

I was trained in and first facilitated SFCR during my post-doctoral fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco and I have supported the expansion of SFCR to communities in Colorado. I am the co-founder and executive director of Resilient Futures, a non-profit dedicated to building resilience in schools and communities.

I strengthen families because the connections and relationships within families can be the deepest source of our own resilience.

www.resilientfutures.us : laura.mcarthur@resilientfutures.us

megan-mooneyMegan Mooney

I implemented SFCR at a large community mental health center in Houston, Texas and continue to champion the model throughout Texas.  I helped create a small workgroup that adapted SFCR for Latino families.  I currently work in private practice and collaborate with community partners on how to implement SFCR in new settings.

I strengthen families because I am passionate about enhancing families’ well-being and resilience and I feel honored to be a part of these journeys every day.

Kami Neves

I implemented SFCR at The Children’s Center and The YWCA of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I worked with others to develop adaptations for the activities in SFCR for families with young children. I currently work at House of Hope and hope to share SFCR with more providers to bring healing to families.

I strengthen families because families are the most important thing in the world and deserve love and healing.

vikki-rompalaVikki Rompala

I was trained in and implemented SFCR at LaRabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL, where I helped integrate peers as co-facilitators.  I have since taken the model with me to Metropolitan Family Services and have been integrating SFCR into domestic violence services.  I proposed several creative adaptations and products derived from the model and regularly support using safety mapping for assessments.

I strengthen families because families are at the heart of growth and healing. Families are the link to the future.

www.metrofamily.org : vrompala@gmail.com

Aja JesterAja Jester

Bloomington, IN
I work at South Central Community Action Program in non-profit finance. I am also a captain in SCCAP’s Thriving Connections, founding TC’s +Talking About Change auxiliary  group.  I am excited to join SFCR’s Steward committee. I first encountered SFCR working through my own family’s trauma. After we completed the training , I was trained as a facilitator and have found this work extremely fulfilling.  I also serve as a Monroe County Precinct Committee person in Monroe County, Indiana. I am most passionate about raising my children to be empowered to advocate for themselves and others.

I strengthen families because I believe that SFCR allows families and individuals to deal with their trauma at the level of their choosing.

Michelle NdelyMichelle Ndely

For the recent past I was a Trauma Prevention Program Coordinator, at a non-profit called Rebound, Inc. In this role I acquired a well-rounded skill set in family-focused preventative services. Specifically, I provided education and support to black youth and families experiencing trauma through the provision of evidence-based community centered education, advocacy, and rehabilitation solutions to the overrepresentation of black youth in the juvenile justice system.

I strengthen families because my passion is to help those in need in the most efficient way. Ideally, through each of these experiences, I change someone’s life for the better.

Erica CoatesErica Coates

I received training in SFCR by Dr. Kiser during my internship at University of Maryland School of Medicine. Since beginning my clinical faculty position at Georgetown University Medical Center, I have championed the implementation of SFCR Peer to Peer in early learning settings. I have served as PI on grants evaluating the effectiveness of SFCR P2P and its impact on improved access to mental health services when provided in early learning settings.

I strengthen families because of the healing and protective powers that exist within families.

©2025 Center for Strengthening Family Coping Resources, Inc., a 501 c(3) Charitable Organization

Not for reproduction or distribution without permission from the author.

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