Widening the Lens – Why Include the Family?
Delivered by Laurel Kiser and Charles Figley is a 90-minute presentation designed to encourage child trauma practitioners to widen their lens to include the system of the child and family practitioners to widen their lens to include the trauma and its impact on the child and the system that cares for the child.

At the end of the presentation participants will appreciate the effects of traumatic experience on the family system, be able to identify theories that explain the role of the family in response to trauma, and review the objectives and core therapeutic strategies that can be used with families to support positive adaptation.

To view the webinar, click the link: http://learn.nctsn.org/course/view.php?id=58&topic=9

©2025 Center for Strengthening Family Coping Resources, Inc., a 501 c(3) Charitable Organization

Not for reproduction or distribution without permission from the author.

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